6 Reasons to Travel Solo

Q: Why has solo travel become so popular?

A: In short, because solo travel is the ULTIMATE self-care!

Reasons to Travel Solo

You’ve probably noticed the growing popularity of solo travel; roughly 18% of global bookings in 2019 were made for solo travelers, up a notable 7% year-over-year since 2018*. And there’s a reason for it! Traveling alone offers a myriad of advantages for both personal and global exploration. I’m not exaggerating; solo travel changed my life! Looking to be convinced? Check out my top 6 reasons to travel solo below!

Here are my top 6 reasons to travel solo!

Complete freedom!

Since you’re traveling alone, there’s no companion to appease! No need to wait three months for your friend to take the trip you’re ready to take tomorrow. Stay at luxury hotels or spend the whole time at hostels. Plan back-to-back activities or spend your day reading in a pretty park. You never have to worry about whether someone else is on board with your travel style; it’s all your call! There’s a real inner-connectedness that comes from getting back in touch with your core wants and needs, i.e. without any responsibilities to cater to. Traveling alone is the purest way to get a break from your daily life, in all ways!

No judgment

I once spent the better part of a sunny beach day in Costa Rica binging the latest Game of Thrones season. There was no one with me saying, “But, we’re only in Costa Rica once!” — and I’m SO thankful for that because I had a wonderfully restful and soul-pleasing day!

Shake things up!

Sometimes life calls for a reset. Whether you’re dealing with an overly stressful job like my first solo trip, break-up, divorce, loss of a loved one, health issue, etc., solo travel is sure to shake things up. Obviously, problems don’t just disappear with a change of location, but traveling alone has ALWAYS gifted me a fresh perspective.

More likely to meet people

This sounds counter-intuitive, I know. Doesn’t solo travel mean you’ll spend your days being anti-social, alone in your room? Nope! Unless that’s what you want. Traveling alone makes you more willing to spark up a conversation with literally anyone and also makes you appear less guarded to other people. I’ve met infinitely more people traveling alone than when I’m with even one other friend. I wouldn’t say I always approached people either! They just start chatting with you, figuring you have no one else to talk to anyways (which you don’t). I’m not saying you should respond to catcalls in the street (behave like you would at home)! But, I’ve met some remarkable people who have opened up my eyes to new ways of thinking and living. Check out my tips for how I meet people while traveling solo!


There’s something incredibly powerful in realizing you can travel across the world, have epic adventures, deal with mishaps independently, and return home safe and sound. You know the saying, “life begins at the end of your comfort zone?” That’s what it felt like when I boarded the plane to take my first solo trip. I was nervous, anxious, excited, and unsure whether it would all work out. It turns out, it was the trip of a lifetime. I returned home a more confident, calm, and refreshed version of myself, ready to take on anything my daily routine could stir up.

Return refreshed (actually)

That feeling when you return from a trip, and you feel like you need another vacation to recoup from your so-called vacation… ? This will be nothing like that. Since you’re surrendering to all of your core wants while you’re away, you’ll return home readier than ever to show up for your friends and family in meaningful ways. I always find myself more empathetic, thoughtful, and an all-around better partner, family member and friend. Fast forward many solo trips later, and I can tell you that these experiences have genuinely changed my life.

*Source: https://www.phocuswire.com/Travel-booking-behavior-data-signals

Interested in solo travel, but want a little help moving forward? Let The Soloist plan your solo travels!!


Why I Took My First Solo Trip