Avoiding Loneliness When Traveling Alone
Q: Don’t you get lonely when traveling alone?
A: Sometimes, yes!
Even though I’m someone who craves time alone every so often, I deal with bouts of loneliness when traveling solo too! This can be exacerbated when you’re far away from friends, family, and the comforts of home. That being said, I’ve become somewhat of an expert at combatting and managing these feelings over the years. Check out my top advice below for avoiding loneliness when traveling alone! Remember: “This too shall pass…”
Here’s how I avoid loneliness when traveling alone!
Stay busy.
When I plan a solo travel itinerary for myself or anyone else, one thing is always front of mind — create a nice balance between time planned and unplanned. I LOVE being spontaneous when traveling, but if I’m solo traveling, I make sure that I have SOME scheduled activities in my calendar. While every day doesn’t need to have back-to-back activities, I can’t stress how important it is to stay busy! That’s the best way to ensure you don’t spend too much time in solitude, with too much time for existential (over)thinking! One of my favorite ways to keep active is to book some Airbnb Experiences!
Out of your hotel, and out of your head. When I start to feel a little lonely, funky, and/or emo, I know it’s time to change up my day. I like to change locations and get a little active physically! For me, the ideal immediate action is to take an exploratory stroll! Aside from the massive benefits that come from a little fresh air and endorphins, you never know who or what you’ll find; you may be in store for a much better second half of the day!
Check-in with home.
My above tips have to do with distracting yourself from loneliness… and while that’s typically my go-to starting place, sometimes it’s not enough to kill the longing! Instead, it can help to lean into those feelings and get back in touch with friends or family from home. I ALWAYS feel better after getting some quality FaceTime in. AND, in giving someone back home updates on what I’ve been up to on the road, it usually re-inspires my desire to seize my travel opportunity!
Take advantage of your time alone!
Try changing your perspective a bit… think of all the AWESOME things that come with being alone! Eat french fries for breakfast without judgment. Sprawl out in your bed like a starfish. Play your music way too loud. Dive into an indoors Hallmark movie marathon on a sunny day. These are all a bit obnoxious and selfish when you’re traveling with a companion, but something to savor when you get to travel alone!
If all else fails… remember that all emotions are temporary and “this too shall pass…”
What are your best tactics for coping with loneliness when traveling solo?